Covered 27 million+ travellers

Trusted for 20+ years

24/7 emergency helpline

Home Travel Insurance Schengen travel insurance (Mandarin)


申根签证可让您在申根区域的26个国家自由旅行。但是在您的签证申请被批准之前, 您将需要确定您拥有全面的旅游保险, 而此旅游保险包括您在整个欧洲的医疗应急, 住院治疗, 以及您在有医疗需求的情况下, 将您送回国。

拥有 InsureandGo 旅游保险,镑,您就可获得在整个欧洲的医疗费用保险, 我们最低的旅游保险可支付高达500万英镑的医疗费用,这完全满足您的申根签证申请需求。

现在获取报价, 您就能立刻上网购买保险。 您购买保险单后, 我们将会把您申请签证时所需要的保险凭证以邮件的形式发送给您。 您可以将此凭证作为您申请申根签证的一部分, 呈递给大使馆。

想要了解更多关于申请申根签证的信息, 请看一下这个网站



*Discount excludes any premium generated to cover medical conditions or optional extras & is automatically applied. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Discount tiers of 5% for premiums between £0-49, 10% for £50-249, & 20% for £250+ apply. Discount ends 23:59 on 3rd March 2025.  With the purchase of an InsureandGo branded policy up to the 3rd March 2025, you’ll also automatically enter a prize draw to win £3,210. See Terms and Conditions for more details.

  1. Unlimited emergency medical expenses available on Black level policies.
  2. InsureandGo’s Gold achieved a Which? Best Buy.