HomeBlogTravel advice10 things that can leave your winter sports insurance out in the cold

10 things that can leave your winter sports insurance out in the cold


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Our recent research has found that the absence of snow is not a problem for Brits on a winter holiday, as many are happy to embrace a wide range of alternatives to skiing. These include local sightseeing, hiking, or simply sitting back and enjoying the view.

However, the research highlighted some of the riskier activities that people would opt for from skiing on sludge (16%), going off piste (11%) or heading higher up the mountain (27%).

The cautionary note here concerns the risk of certain activities invalidating standard insurance policies. To prevent people from unwittingly facing difficulties, we’ve compiled a list of 10 items that aren’t always covered or might void a travel insurance policy.

A group of 3 happy skiers enjoying the snow.

1 Declare all pre-existing medical conditions

Failing to inform your insurer about any pre-existing medical conditions could be a slippery slope that will invalidate your cover if you need to claim for an issue related to that condition.

2 Ignoring Government No-Go Warnings

If the UK government has advised against travel to a particular destination and you decide to go anyway, your insurance might not cover you.

3 High-risk activities without appropriate cover

Beware, many standard travel insurance policies draw the line at high-risk hijinks, such as off-piste skiing without a guide, snowboarding, or participating in competitive events, unless you’ve taken out additional cover. Our Winter sports travel insurance includes cover for off-piste skiing or snowboarding (except in areas considered to be unsafe by resort management) and recreational ski racing, as well as many more activities such as cross country skiing, or glacier walking.

4 Skiing under the influence

Tempting as it might be to enjoy a couple of drinks with a fantastic view, accidents or injuries caused while you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs might not be covered by your insurance policy.

5 Not wearing protective gear

Failing to wear recommended safety equipment, such as helmets, might invalidate a claim if you’re injured.

6 Leaving equipment unattended

Theft of skiing equipment might not be covered if it was left unattended and not securely stored or locked up.

7 Failure to report theft or loss

Not reporting the theft or loss of your belongings to the local police (and obtaining a police report) within the allocated timeframe can invalidate a claim.

8 Moonlight ski escapades

Skiing on slopes outside of the designated operating hours without explicit permission or guidance could invalidate your insurance if an accident occurs.

9 Exceeding altitude limits

Some insurance policies have specific altitude limits for coverage. Skiing above these limits without appropriate cover could invalidate your insurance.

10 Avalanche safety

Ignoring local avalanche warnings, along with Government warnings and local laws, could void your insurance. Always check the weather forecast!